Centrifugal compressor repair
Urgent and scheduled repair, restoration and maintenance of centrifugal compressors and process equipment of any complexity and configuration. Starting-up and adjustment works of compressor equipment.
Urgent and scheduled repair, restoration and maintenance of centrifugal compressors and process equipment of any complexity and configuration. Starting-up and adjustment works of compressor equipment.
Reliable, efficient, professional repair of piston compressors and equipment (gas and air). Scheduled and emergency maintenance, modern service and equipment operation support, turnkey installation and commissioning works.
Prompt, professional repair of blowers at reasonable prices, with a quality guarantee. Scheduled and emergency repairs, servicing of blowers, air separation units (medium and low pressure), water treatment and discharge pumps, exhausters.
Complex, emergency and recovery repair of gas and air screw compressors, warranty service, modernization of compressor equipment of any type. Installation supervision, start-up and turnkey equipment debugging.
Reliable professional repair, restoration, service and modernization of industrial refrigeration turbochargers of domestic and foreign production using original parts and components. Efficiency, quality, reasonable pricing policy.
Dynamic balancing of shafts and rotors on site and on the equipment of the enterprise without expensive equipment dismantling. Reduction of vibration, elimination of operational defects and imbalances, final balancing of new drives.
Urgent emergency and planned repairs of Russian and foreign rotors based on high-tech equipment with the involvement of specialized specialists. Repair according to GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015) standards with the issuance of accompanying technical documentation.
Operational and professional modernization, debugging, testing, installation of automated control systems for the compressor unit (ACS KU). An integrated, individual approach to the installation of equipment, taking into account the operating conditions.
Preventive maintenance, service, complex and one-time chemical cleaning to maintain optimal technical characteristics of equipment using modern methods of maintenance and diagnostics.
We carry out repair and modernization of industrial and production plants of any complexity for generating companies, chemical and metallurgical production, electrical equipment for drilling platforms, oil refining complexes, mining and processing plants, industrial enterprises.
Experienced craftsmen and specialized teams of narrow qualifications will qualitatively and promptly repair a compressor of domestic and foreign production of any brand. We carry out repair work directly on site, without expensive and time-consuming dismantling of compressor equipment, quickly and with a quality guarantee.
In difficult cases, during overhaul and restoration of individual compressor units, it is necessary to deliver the unit to the workshop of the enterprise, equipped with the necessary specialized machines and diagnostic devices. For repairs, we use only original parts from a specific manufacturer or certified analogs.
We carry out affordable and cost-effective modernization and automation of compressors and installations to increase efficiency, increase the working life, reduce operating costs, wear parts and a maintenance-free service life.
A guarantee is provided for all types of work and services. We offer a profitable system of discounts and bonuses, reasonable affordable prices for repairs and service.
The management of OJSC "KZTSH", Zhodino, Republic of Belarus expresses gratitude to the specialists of CJSC "Compressormashremservice" for repairing the compressor K-250-61-5.
I ask you to express gratitude to your specialists who were directly involved in the repair of the compressor and I also hope for further fruitful cooperation in the repair of the compressor fleet of Orsknefteorgsintez PJSC.
The Office of the Chief Power Engineer of Promtractor PJSC expresses gratitude to you and the specialists of “Kompressormashremservice” CJSC for the high-quality performance of work on the repair of the K-250 compressor units.
Employees of your enterprise carried out repairs of the 32VTs-100/9 compressor in January 2001. All work was carried out with high quality and highly professional.
We would like to express our gratitude to the management and employees of Compressormashremservice CJSC in Kazan for providing technical assistance in the repair and modernization of the K-250-61-1 turbocharger.
We would like to express our gratitude to the management and specialists of Kompressormashremservice CJSC, Kazan, for the high-quality repairs of the equipment. We look forward to further cooperation.
e would like to express our gratitude to the management of Kompressormashremservice CJSC in Kazan for providing technical assistance in the repair of the 43VTs-160/9 turbocompressor, to provide aircraft engine builders with compressed air for production.
During the work, Compressormashservice CJSC has shown itself as a professional company with qualified personnel, which quickly and efficiently solves the assigned tasks.
Repair work is carried out with high quality, in the shortest possible time, the issues that arise are resolved promptly and competently, which speaks of the high qualifications and extensive experience of the repair personnel of Compressormashremservice CJSC.
On December 29, 2019, our organization celebrated its 20th anniversary. We believe that this is a solid date - a full-fledged anniversary. We are proud of our history, vast experience, and most importantly, our team, which is the most valuable capital of the company.
From May 29 to May 31, 2019, the 21st annual international industrial symposium "Compressors and Compressor Equipment" named after K.P. Seleznev was held at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University