Нагнетатель 1200-27-2

Manufacturer: PJSC "Dalenergomash"

The blower is designed to suck gas out of coke ovens and supply it through the gas pipeline network to the equipment for trapping chemical products.

The supercharger is designed as a single-cylinder two-stage machine with one-way suction.  The blower casing is made of cast iron, has connectors in the vertical and horizontal planes.  Suction and discharge ports are directed downward.  The flow path of the supercharger consists of two wheels mounted on the shaft, diffusers and guide vanes, which make up the compression stages, which are separated by labyrinth seals.

The blower is equipped with a barring device for turning the rotor when oiling it, when the blower is in reserve, as well as when the blower is steamed before starting and after stopping.  Steaming of the blower flow path is carried out to clean it from resinous substances.

The gas-dynamic characteristics of the 1200-27-2 type blower are shown in pic.  116.

The blower is driven by an electric motor of the DAP-14-49-4 type through a gearbox of the RCOT-320-2.62-1N type.  The rated power of the electric motor is 1250 kW, the rotor speed is 1500 rpm.

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